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Feedback for Yuanwei’s Blog 5

Hi Yuanwei,

You pointed out great responses in the first question. I agree with you that PLN allows people to share their views and get inspired by others. Collaboration among professionals through shared values and norms are important. When professionals share knowledge, they can receive agreement and disagreement. They contribute to students’ learning and get improved by students’ comments. It is in accordance with what Veletsianos (2010) propose that professionals are rewarded with potentially rich opportunities for student learning, connections to individual knowledge and expertise, and tremendous insight into emerging areas of research.

Feedback for Shone’s Blog 5

Hi Shone,

I am really impressed by your examples illustrated to support the importance of social media platforms. As you mentioned, social media, such as HyFlex and UVic enable the traditional classroom to be accessible online. It is true that social media have played more and more important roles especially when we are still affecting by the pandemic. Students can access to the class contents at anytime at anywhere. They can check out the video lectures and materials. When they have some confusing concepts, they can go back and check to find out the answer. Also, they can rely on further reading materials on social media to fully understand knowledge they want to learn.  

Blog Post # 5 PLN in Education

Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash

– Explore the video provided and reflect on the themes of a PLN in a professional capacity.

According to the Brad in the provided video, he is the member of the smallest nations in North Vancouver and is also the first indigenous educator in his area. He oversees the indigenous education programs, the safe and caring school programs, and anti-racism committee.  In his opinion, there are more growth in community to connect with the world. For example, local young indigenous leaders in Squamish nation have paid more effort on posting their situations and cultures through social media, like Twitter. This helps others to gain more information about Squamish nation and result in more attention and discussion in the public. This is an important and effective way to build a healthy community. Generally speaking, a PLN is a professional capacity to provide platforms for learners to join discussions and get useful points. Then educators can further design suitable and effective teaching strategies.

–  Consider which social media platforms are beneficial in education, and ask yourself how you would add social media teaching to an industry you’re interested in – expand your thoughts in your blog.

In my opinion, plenty of social media platforms are beneficial in education. I prefer to use Twitter and Facebook to know more current news and Instagram to learn fashionable design and trends. All the above social media have large amount of users sharing various topics and issues. When we search for specific topics, we can follow the bloggers and learn on purpose. As for teaching social media, I would like to use Ted to watch talk shows related to technology, education and entertainment. Firstly, most Ted videos are intriguing and it is showed through oral talk show or presentation. Learners are learning specific information through listening to their personal stories and illustrated data at the same time. Also, when learners read or leave comments under the videos, they would gain reflective perspectives from people around the world. According to Veletsianos (2010), when she contributes to the network, she is rewarded with potentially rich opportunities for student learning, connections to individual knowledge and expertise, and tremendous insight into emerging areas of research. That is to say, when we devote ourselves through PLN, we actually regain more inspiring ideas and comments.

–  When working with the vulnerable sector, how does social media fit into professionalism and regulations? Consider education, healthcare, and messaging to minor children via social media/gaming.

When cooperating with the vulnerable sectors, social media should fit into professionalism and regulations. Firstly, when it comes to the minor children, they should consider their mental characteristics and provide healthy and suitable contents. For example, language bullying online is common and social media platforms should supervise and create a healthy online environment. when it comes to education, social media should pay attention to the trend of education and provide updated and healthy perspectives. According to Veletsianos (2010), social justice is an important theme in faculty programming and open teaching. Teachers have to consider the demand for more accessible learning in our communities and in the society.


MILLER. (2021, June 10). Brad Baker EDCI 338 [Video]. YouTube.

Developing Personal Learning Networks for Open and Social Learning / Alec Couros- Chapter 8 Page 109 in the printed document Page 129 in electronic PDF – Focus on Page 137 – Conceptualizing the PLN – Page 141 – FINAL THOUGHTS

Feedback for Yuxin’s Blog 4

Hi Yuxin,

Your post is so insightful. You include your personal experience and I think it is so impressing. When we have some questions that we cannot solve, we might spend time thinking and searching materials for it. However, if we post it online and ask for others’ advice, we might receive totally different angles and this would greatly contribute to our critical thinking to some extent.

Feedback for Shone’s Blog 4

I totally agree with you that social media is changing how we communicate with others. We are easier to be interactive with others, and this would bring diverse voices. We cannot merely enjoy individual voice and reject others opinions. At the same time, I am impressed by your example illustrated from Moore’s video about Clubhouse. This provides people platforms to discuss topics formally or informally.

Blog Post #4 How has your thinking about inclusion and PLN evolved?

Photo by Headway on Unsplash
  1. How diverse is your PLN?

My current PLN contains a diverse composition. I actively participate in various online and offline clubs and communities, in order to meet various friends. People of different ages, nationalities, and backgrounds are included in my PLN. Different cultures and domains make everyone’s perspectives and opinions more interesting and fascinating. Similar interests allow everyone to collaborate together and build stronger relationships. In my PLN, everyone’s positive interaction and participation as learners are reflected in PLN.Are you learning from a variety of diverse voices and are you expanding your understanding of the views of others?

2. Are you learning from a variety of diverse voices and are you expanding your understanding of the views of others?

Moore (2016) mentions that it is hard to avoid inclusion and we are living in a world with social media, which helps us to become more interactive. Social media greatly contributes to our convenience to communicate with others, such as listening, talking and commenting. For me, I am learning from a variety of diverse voices. I will express my opinion after listening to other people’s voices. This helps me think and learn more comprehensively. The opinions from other people also allow me to learn more. Rather than being a leader, I think it’s a good choice to integrate into the crowd and accumulate experience.

3. What is a learning outcome of your PLN and how are you ensuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion?

As stated in Moore’s video, he argues that integration and inclusion are the last two evolution processes. My personal learning outcome of PLN is in accordance with it. I would honestly express my opinions and critical thinking in my blogs and twitters. During this process, I listen carefully from others, review my words after getting feedback and discuss the diversity with others. I tend to think about the same thing from more perspectives and levels, not just confined to what I think, but integrating the brilliant ideas from others. I tend to respect different ideas from others and broaden my individual thinking. In my opinion, this is the best manifestation of inclusion and diversity in the evolution processes.


One Without the Other: Stories of Unity Through Diversity and Inclusion Shelley Moore and

Leyton Schnellert Introduction & Part 1.

Feedback for Shone’s Blog 3

Hi Shone,

I totally agree with you that digital platforms can improve students’ professional network. I did not think about the situations at school before. I think you point out insightful ideas that students can also develop their professional network at school. Students can learn information delivered by the school and join in cultural activities held by the school. Schools can give a step before students step into the society and assist them .

Feedback for Yuxin’s Blog 3

Hi Yuxin,

I agree with you that people use different digital platforms on different purposes. As you mentioned, WordPress can be an example in professional networking, since it allows us to foster relationship with others. When we give comments to peers, we actually reflect on their ideas and brainstorm beneficially. When we receive comments from peers, it allows us to see things in a different perspective. However, other examples you mentioned, such as Discord or Instagram are more related to personal network. Personal network more likely to contribute to our social circles, while professional network is used to improve career opportunities and stay in touch with partners or colleges.

Blog Post #3 – Share Your Visitor & Resident Map

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

My Visitor and Resident Map

My Visitor and Resident Map


1. What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?

Currently, students would like to use digital platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Slack, Quora, Youtube, Linkedin and so on to develop their professional network. For example, when I have to do academic research on related topics, I would like to click on Google Scholar for professional literature and opinions. When I want to read the latest news, I would use Facebook and read the daily news. I can also learn certain interesting opinions from the comments. When I intend to learn some professional and indigestible knowledge, I would browse Youtube for visual videos and explanations. For total professional network, I think digital tools such as Linkedin are recommended. Students can have a better understanding in their professional fields and try to connect with colleges or the professions even if they are strangers.

2. What could the student consider in expanding their professional learning network?

When students expand their professional learning network, there are certain important things they should consider. Firstly, they have to pay attention to intellectual copyright. According to Regan and Jesse (2019), we have to check our fact checking, intellectual copyright and creative commons pages to make sure that the content we are sharing truly belongs to us. It is important for them to protect their academic knowledge and avoid being plagiarized. At the same time, they have to cite the ideas if they borrow them from others as examples or support. Secondly, students are encouraged to actively participate in online lectures, activities or communities. When students publish new comments frequently, we are actually increasing our PLN.

3. How does data privacy and security limit and promote a PLN? How can you create a digital identity/reputation?

When we visit different websites or post initial posts, we actually leak data privacy and it may cause security problems. Data privacy and security limit PLN to some extent. It would increase identity theft and lead to financial lose. However, it would promote a PLN in some aspects. Through using social media, we can show our digital identity and get more potential learning opportunities. We can join in groups of similar interests.

4. Consider in your blog submission how an employer would respond if you applied for a job with them and they assessed your social media presence via your digital identity.

According to Regan and Jesse (2019), using digital tools can be a beneficial way to cultivate an online brand and impressed employers. When you put your personal shining points in digital tools, whether in jobs or hobbies, employers can have a basic judgment on you based on their company culture and your world views shown through digital tools.


PLN space through Social Media platforms (Developing awareness)

Privacy, Ethics & Security in Digital Spaces Developing Awareness of Privacy Regan, P., & Jesse, J. (2019).

What is a Visitor/Resident (PDF)

Visitor & Resident Maps

Feedback for Shone’s Blog 2

Hi Shone,

I really appreciate your posts! Especially you mention that many employers would consider applicants’ personal lives outside of work in addition to their professional qualification. I totally agree with you! Many companies have realized the importance of knowing the personal life and hobbies of applicants before hiring. As long as we are careful not to post inappropriate or offensive content on our personal social media accounts and let our personality and interests shine, companies can understand our unique identity and determine how we can fit into the company culture.

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