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Explore the video provided and reflect on the themes and questions above, reflecting on how you would curate your social media with a critical public audience.

Based on the video, Sophie shared her experience how attack people or the media as a journalist for more than 20 years. She is a strong female voice of reporters in BC and has a group of individuals who are interested in female issues. She holds a positive female community. From her experience, I get to know that it is important to convey positive information. These positive messages can have a positive impact on the audience and even change their lives. The audience will also be more interested and pay more attention to podcasts because of this positive information.

Identify the risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space – what are the risks for a public figure or person in a position of trust (educator, lawyer, government official)?

There are risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space. As for benefits, public audience have a certain importance on the society. They have plenty of followers who regard the public audience are models and deserve to learn. Also, based on their social status, they have more methods to deliver their opinions or important information. Positive information, such as protecting the human rights, can positively instruct followers to pay attention to. However, if public audience deliver negative information, such as smoking or taking drugs, it would bring bad imitation from younger generations. For example, as for government officials, when they interact with audience in media, they have to deliver suitable and positive argument and grasp the communication of information. This affects others think of the government crews. Based on Hirst (2019), social media deliver information at a fast speed. Any fake or true news would be announced without releasing yet. The government should be aware of the social media and give positive reply in time. In this way, the public audience can know the truth and get correct guidance.

How to best address negative replies and critiques reflective of your personal values and employer’s social media policy?

Personally, I think separate personal and professional accounts can address negative replies and critiques of our personal values and employer’s social media policy. To build a PLN that one can always rely on, all resources must have a clear source. In other words, all resources must be true and effective and allow the audience to follow. Personal accounts can be used to deliver people’s personal ideas and daily life. As for professional accounts, people should be cautious to review all shared information to ensure that each piece of information has an accurate source and credibility. At the same time, they should avoid publishing unconfirmed information in advance or any fake information.


Navigating Social Journalism: A Handbook for Media Literacy and Citizen Journalism by Martin Hirst Chapter 4. The Political Economy of Fake News – pp.78