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  1. How diverse is your PLN?

My current PLN contains a diverse composition. I actively participate in various online and offline clubs and communities, in order to meet various friends. People of different ages, nationalities, and backgrounds are included in my PLN. Different cultures and domains make everyone’s perspectives and opinions more interesting and fascinating. Similar interests allow everyone to collaborate together and build stronger relationships. In my PLN, everyone’s positive interaction and participation as learners are reflected in PLN.Are you learning from a variety of diverse voices and are you expanding your understanding of the views of others?

2. Are you learning from a variety of diverse voices and are you expanding your understanding of the views of others?

Moore (2016) mentions that it is hard to avoid inclusion and we are living in a world with social media, which helps us to become more interactive. Social media greatly contributes to our convenience to communicate with others, such as listening, talking and commenting. For me, I am learning from a variety of diverse voices. I will express my opinion after listening to other people’s voices. This helps me think and learn more comprehensively. The opinions from other people also allow me to learn more. Rather than being a leader, I think it’s a good choice to integrate into the crowd and accumulate experience.

3. What is a learning outcome of your PLN and how are you ensuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion?

As stated in Moore’s video, he argues that integration and inclusion are the last two evolution processes. My personal learning outcome of PLN is in accordance with it. I would honestly express my opinions and critical thinking in my blogs and twitters. During this process, I listen carefully from others, review my words after getting feedback and discuss the diversity with others. I tend to think about the same thing from more perspectives and levels, not just confined to what I think, but integrating the brilliant ideas from others. I tend to respect different ideas from others and broaden my individual thinking. In my opinion, this is the best manifestation of inclusion and diversity in the evolution processes.


One Without the Other: Stories of Unity Through Diversity and Inclusion Shelley Moore and

Leyton Schnellert Introduction & Part 1.