Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

My Visitor and Resident Map

My Visitor and Resident Map


1. What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?

Currently, students would like to use digital platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Slack, Quora, Youtube, Linkedin and so on to develop their professional network. For example, when I have to do academic research on related topics, I would like to click on Google Scholar for professional literature and opinions. When I want to read the latest news, I would use Facebook and read the daily news. I can also learn certain interesting opinions from the comments. When I intend to learn some professional and indigestible knowledge, I would browse Youtube for visual videos and explanations. For total professional network, I think digital tools such as Linkedin are recommended. Students can have a better understanding in their professional fields and try to connect with colleges or the professions even if they are strangers.

2. What could the student consider in expanding their professional learning network?

When students expand their professional learning network, there are certain important things they should consider. Firstly, they have to pay attention to intellectual copyright. According to Regan and Jesse (2019), we have to check our fact checking, intellectual copyright and creative commons pages to make sure that the content we are sharing truly belongs to us. It is important for them to protect their academic knowledge and avoid being plagiarized. At the same time, they have to cite the ideas if they borrow them from others as examples or support. Secondly, students are encouraged to actively participate in online lectures, activities or communities. When students publish new comments frequently, we are actually increasing our PLN.

3. How does data privacy and security limit and promote a PLN? How can you create a digital identity/reputation?

When we visit different websites or post initial posts, we actually leak data privacy and it may cause security problems. Data privacy and security limit PLN to some extent. It would increase identity theft and lead to financial lose. However, it would promote a PLN in some aspects. Through using social media, we can show our digital identity and get more potential learning opportunities. We can join in groups of similar interests.

4. Consider in your blog submission how an employer would respond if you applied for a job with them and they assessed your social media presence via your digital identity.

According to Regan and Jesse (2019), using digital tools can be a beneficial way to cultivate an online brand and impressed employers. When you put your personal shining points in digital tools, whether in jobs or hobbies, employers can have a basic judgment on you based on their company culture and your world views shown through digital tools.


PLN space through Social Media platforms (Developing awareness)

Privacy, Ethics & Security in Digital Spaces Developing Awareness of Privacy Regan, P., & Jesse, J. (2019).

What is a Visitor/Resident (PDF)

Visitor & Resident Maps